Ресторан Comme Il Faut - PostEat


Ресторан Comme Il Faut


Адрес: Киев, ул. Большая Житомирская, 2а

Район: Шевченковский


Пн: 10:00-00:00

Вт: 10:00-00:00

Ср: 10:00-00:00

Чт: 10:00-00:00

Пт: 10:00-00:00

Сб: 10:00-00:00

Вс: 10:00-00:00

Comme Il Faut restaurant is located in a very heart of historical part of the city on the place where in XI century the castle of Yaroslav the Wise (Grand Prince of Rus’) was situated. He lived here with his family and legendary daughter Anna Yaroslavna who later was married to French king Henry. Honouring the history, main restaurant of InterContinental Kyiv offering French and Ukrainian menu and bring to the atmosphere of old Kyiv the romance of Paris.

 Финалист премии СОЛЬ 2017 в номинации «ЛУЧШИЙ РЕСТОРАН ПРИ ОТЕЛЕ»


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