Бар у Сіднеї продає сертифікати з надбавкою 20%, які діятимуть наступні три роки - PostEat


Бар у Сіднеї продає сертифікати з надбавкою 20%, які діятимуть наступні три роки
18-03-2020 0 1544

Власники Bulletin Place Bar закликали австралійців підтримати їх бізнес та придбати сертифікати на коктейлі, які діятимуть наступні три роки. До вартості кожного сертифікату покупці отримають додаткові 20% ціни.

У дописі на сторінці закладу сказано, що бізнес опинився у скрутній ситуації в умовах надзвичайної ситуації через коронавірус. Але цінителі хороших напоїв можуть підтримати бар та придбати сертифікати з надбавкою 20% до їх фактичної вартості.

«Витрачаючи 100 доларів ви отримаєте подарунковий ваучер на 120 доларів. Ви можете використати ваучер зараз, якщо почуваєте себе добре і готові до алкогольних напоїв або зайти до нас з ваучером будь-коли наступні три роки», — йдеться у дописі.


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DRINK IT FORWARD SYDNEY. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Hey friends! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As you all are probably aware, in the face of less people eating and drinking out, our little bar has been hit quite hard. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So, we’ve come up with an idea; If you would like to buy you or a friend a drink/meal in the form of a gift voucher, we’ll happily offer an instant boost of 20% extra value if purchased between Monday-Thursday! Spend $100, get $120 — woohoo! Be quick though, this offer is only available this week. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Think of it as your way of supporting our local venue from your computer and you can use this voucher any time in the next 3 years. In fact, if you’re feeling well and ready for a drink like we are, you could instantly support our staff by purchasing online and coming in tonight! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Simply follow our link in bio to purchase. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Secondly, a lot of our fellow like-minded venues have also been feeling the pinch. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ To give them a helping hand, whilst also stimulating some good ol’ fashioned bar hopping, we’re offering ANYONE that walks into our venue with a receipt from the same night from one of the tagged friend’s venues locally, a $10 Penicillin Cocktail*. THAT’S A BARGAIN and we’re doing it until the end of March. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Thank you for your continued support through this time of uncertainty! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *If you’ve never had a Penicillin Cocktail, you’ll have to trust us on this one.. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #drinkitforwardsydney ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #drinks #Cocktail #cocktails #bartenderoftheyear #worldclass #worldclassdrinking #drinkstagram #COTD #cocktailoftheday #instadrink #Mixology #bartender #bar #craftcocktail #craftcocktails #goodtimes #imbibegram #sydney #sydneybars #sydneynightlife #libations #50bestbars

Публикация от Bulletin Place (@bulletinplacesydney)


Кулінарна академія MAD (Копенгаген) підтримала ініціативу та поширили допис на своїй сторінці. Раніше MAD закликала бари і ресторани ділитися ідеями з порятунку закладів під час пандемії коронавірусу.


Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

@bulletinplacesydney bar in Sydney is offering vouchers you can buy online and giving discounts to those who walks in with a receipt from fellow businesses. This is a great way to encourage people to support not only your bar, but the other local businesses around you as well. By presenting good examples and highlighting what others have done already, we can help those of you still at a loss with a bit of inspiration, and we can make it easier for those out there looking for great food and community to find the places adapting their services and still open for business. DM us with a post or link to others in hospitality finding solutions and adapting their businesses to the crisis. We will repost as many as we can. #supportyourlocal . . Repost: DRINK IT FORWARD SYDNEY. Hey friends! As you all are probably aware, in the face of less people eating and drinking out, our little bar has been hit quite hard. So, we’ve come up with an idea; If you would like to buy you or a friend a drink/meal in the form of a gift voucher, we’ll happily offer an instant boost of 20% extra value if purchased between Monday-Thursday! Spend $100, get $120 — woohoo! Be quick though, this offer is only available this week. Think of it as your way of supporting our local venue from your computer and you can use this voucher any time in the next 3 years. In fact, if you’re feeling well and ready for a drink like we are, you could instantly support our staff by purchasing online and coming in tonight! Simply follow our link in bio to purchase. Secondly, a lot of our fellow like-minded venues have also been feeling the pinch. To give them a helping hand, whilst also stimulating some good ol’ fashioned bar hopping, we’re offering ANYONE that walks into our venue with a receipt from the same night from one of the tagged friend’s venues locally, a $10 Penicillin Cocktail*. THAT’S A BARGAIN and we’re doing it until the end of March. Thank you for your continued support through this time of uncertainty! *If you’ve never had a Penicillin Cocktail, you’ll have to trust us on this one..

Публикация от MAD (@themadfeed)


Фото: instagram.com/bulletinplacesydney


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